Personal Information
Alaa Ahmed MASOUD علاء أحمد مسعود
Date of birth:
11 March 1970
Position: Professor
of Environmental Geology & Remote Sensing
Mailing address: Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Tanta 31527, EGYPT. Mob. Tel: +20-10-1826-5052, Fax : +20-40-3350-804
Academic Qualifications
Professorship, in Environmental Geology & Remote Sensing,
June 2014, Tanta University, Faculty of Science, Geology Dept, Tanta, Egypt.
Associate Professorship,
March 2009, Tanta University, Faculty of
Science, Geology Dept, Tanta, Egypt.
Ph.D. in Environmental Geology using remote sensing and GIS, Sept.2003, Osaka City Univ., Japan.
Thesis title: An Integrated Remote Sensing and GIS Approach for Flash Flood Potential, Mitigation, and Floodwater Resource
Management: Development and Application on Safaga Area, Egypt.
M.Sc. in Precambrian Geology, July
1997, Tanta University, Fac. of Science,
Geology Dept, Tanta, Egypt.
Thesis Title: Geology and Tectonic Evolution of the Area around Gabal Abu Furad, Northern Eastern Desert, Egypt.
B.Sc. in Geology, May 1991, Tanta University, Fac. of Science, Geology Dept, Tanta, Egypt. With
rate of “Excellent with Honor degree”.
History of Positions
of Environmental Geology & Remote Sensing, 30 June 2014- present, Geology Dept., Fac. of Sci., Tanta University, Egypt.
Fellowship-Scientific Missions (Ministry of Higher Education of Egypt), 31 January -30 July 2014, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University,
Professor, March 2009-29 June 2014, Geology Dept., Fac. of Sci., Tanta University, Egypt.
Society for the Promotion of Science-JSPS Post-Doctoral Fellowship,
August. 2008- July 2010, at Kumamoto University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering,
Kumamoto, Japan
Associate Professor of Remote Sensing and GIS, Sept. 2007 - August 2008, King Saud University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Geography, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Dec. 2003-April 2006, Kumamoto University, Faculty of Engineering,
Department of Civil Engineering, Kumamoto, Japan .
Lecturer of GIS/RS/Environmental Geology
Oct. 2003-March 2009, Geology Dept., Fac. of Sci., Tanta
University, Egypt.
Assistant Lecturer of Geology 1997-1999, Geology
Dept., Fac. of Sci., Tanta University, Egypt.
Demonstrator of Geology, 1991-1997, Dept. of Geology, Fac. of Science, Tanta University, Egypt.
Academic Awards
State Incentive Award 2014 in Geological Sciences by the Egyptian Ministry of Scientific Research and the Academy of Scientific Research
and Technology for the valuable research work in the field of Environmental Geology and Remote Sensing.جائزة الدولة التشجيعية
في العلوم الجيولوجية
Tanta University's Incentive Award in Basic Sciences (Geology) 2013 جائزة الجامعة
التشجيعية في العلوم الأساسية
a Post-Doctoral Fellowship from Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University,
Japan, in Environmental Geology (Remote Sensing and GIS) 31
July - 2 October 2012.
Visiting Professor for teaching an intensive course of water resources modeling integrating
Remote Sensing and GIS, held by International Joint Education Program for Groundwater Environmental Leaders in Kumamoto University,
Japan (GelK) in the period 1-26 December 2010. Invited talk focusing on envronmental degradations to groundwater
conditions west of the Nile Delta, Egypt was presented at the conference proceedings held on 21 of Dec. 2010.
Awarded the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Fellowship at Faculty of Engineering, Kumamoto University, Japan (August 2008-July 2010).
Awarded a Post-Doctoral Fellowship from Kumamoto University, Japan, in Radar Remote
Sensing from Dec. 2003 till March 2006.
of a merit scholarship from the Ministry of Higher Education of Egypt to conduct Ph.D. in Environmental Geology using RS/GIS
in Japan, 1999.
Merit certificate for obtaining 1st rank in the M. Sc. Program,
Tanta University,
of Merit for obtaining 1st rank in the B.Sc. Program, Science Syndicate, Egypt,
Research Interests
- Optical and Microwave synthetic aperture radar (SAR) remote sensing,
- Geographic Information System (GIS),
- Geologic Mapping using Multi-spectral
Remote Sensing and Digital Elevation Modeling (Topographic map-based and SAR techniques),
- Hydrological modeling for
flash flood risk assessment, mitigation, warning, and floodwater resource management,
- Hydrological processes and
geomorphological modeling of watersheds.
- Auto-delineation and analysis
of lineaments from remote sensing imagery and the shaded Digital Elevation Models.
- Environmental Risk Assessment and Pollution Potential Assessment and Control.
Fifteen years of experience in the field of remote sensing and GIS analysis using advanced
software like ENVI, ArcGIS, ARC View, GRASS GIS, GAMMA SAR processing software for Radar Remote Sensing, Windows and UNIX
Operating Systems. In addition to these, I have a quite good knowledge of FORTRAN programming and Visual Basic programing.
Handled many tasks like Data Capturing (Geological & topographical, geophysical, geographic… etc), Database Creation,
Data Conversion, and Data Analysis & Decision-Making. This skills are of potential uses in urban planning, environmental
impact assessment and sustainable management of the natural resources.
Ongoing projects:
-Jan. 2013- Dec. 2014: Decision Support System Development for Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
of the Groundwater Contamination in Gharbiya Governorate, Egypt, Project No. 1-13-1 Tanta University, Egypt.
- 2009-ongoing: Coal Resources Evaluation in Maoke Area,
Hanoi,Vietnam, supported by New Energy Development Organization (NEDO), Coal Resources and Mining Engineering company (CRME), JAPAN, and Kumamoto University.
2008-ongoing: Lineament analysis
in the central South Korea for characterizing
regional fracture systems, supported by Korean Atomic Energy Research Institution (KAERI).
2008-ongoing: Dam Evaluation
Project, Ministry of Water, Riyadh, Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia, on going project.
2006-ongoing: Multi-scale
modeling of lineaments from micro-fractures in thin sections to landscape mega-faults, in Mizunami, Gifu Prefecture, JAPAN,
supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research by JSPS and Grant for Pilot Fundamental Engineering Research by Japanese
Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA).
- 2006-ongoing: Detecting environmental changes in the northern Tarim Basin, China, by optical and Synthetic Aperture
Radar (SAR) satellite images analyses, supported by Core Research Group for Hydrosphere Environment in Kumamoto University.
- Digital Sinai Network: Database generation in a GIS framework.
- Sinai Groundwater Resource Assessment
- Environmental Hazard assessment in Lake Manzala
area, Egypt.
Completed projects:
- 2006: Modeling land cover dynamics to predict areas prone to salinization in Siwa
region, NW Egypt.
- 2004-2005: Deformation analysis using JERS-1 SAR microwave remote sensing in Hokkaido, Japan, 2004.
- 2003-2007: Monitoring and Modeling of Groundwater Conditions in the last 25-years
in Kumamoto plain, Kumamoto Prefecture, JAPAN, supported by Core Research Group for Hydrosphere Environment in Kumamoto University.
- 2004-2005: Modeling lineaments to clarify the
relationship between regional fractures and small-scale fractures in a granitic massif in Kikuma Area, Ehime Prefecture, JAPAN, supported by
Nikko Tankai Co. Ltd.
2006-2009: Landslide
modeling based on field-measured weathering indices and spectro-radiometry of rock and soil samples in Wanitsukayama, Miyazaki
Prefecture, JAPAN, supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research in Kumamoto University, Nishi-nihon Gijyutsu Kaihatsu
Co. Ltd., and Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT).